Monday, March 14, 2016


Today in class I laser cut my second shadow box.  This one is a circle with a spiral of triangles going back.  It has a unique pattern that is hypnotic and really cool.  I can't wait to lights in this one. 

Friday, March 11, 2016


Here is another version of a shadow box I can do.  It it 7 in. tall and 9 in. wide.  This is a cave with four smaller caves at the sides and it has two howling wolfs in the center howling at a moon.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Today in class I came up with even more good ideas for mountains. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Today I made my octopus and background.  It is a blue octopus with a green background.  In the background there is a spiral around the octopus and also a bunch of cool little stars. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Today in class I finally got to laser cut.  I got all eight layers and the border cut.  Now I have to assemble them and get the lights put in behind the last layer and add a battery and a switch.  Then I have to make the outside look very clean.  Then this one will be done and I can move onto the mountains.

Design brief

My final project will be an assortment of different shadow boxes that I will cut in Photoshop touch up in Illustrator and then cut out on the laser cutter.  I want to do one of a cave, one of the mountains, and one of a forest.  The cave will be cut using a real photo that I have taken.  The mountains will be one that will not have a defined picture.  The forest will take a variety of different photos that I have taken and put them together to make it seem like a forest.  It will be a night scene so there will be a moon it the background surrounded by a bunch of stars.  Each one will be finished the same way with the cave and mountain being finished with cool white lights and the wolf and moon being finished with RGB lights.  I want to do this because it is a different way to show off a picture.  Also in architecture the laser cutter is becoming a more popular way to convey one's thoughts and this will help if I become an architect.

  • Can be no bigger then 12 by 24
  • It needs to look crisp.
  • Some materials are foam core, poster board, Led lights. 
  • I need to know how to use Photoshop Illustrator and the laser cutter

Friday, March 4, 2016


Today in class I had to redo my project because the size was too big.  I didn't check the size of the laizer cutter so it was too big.  I redid it all and its good to go.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Today in class I worked hard on my final project.  I got the photo cut in Photo shop and was able to import it into illustrator to prep for the laser cutter.  Next class I am hoping to have the teacher check me and get started laser cutting.  This is something that I really want to do.  By the time this project is done it will be about 6 inches thick.