Monday, April 18, 2016

Friday, April 8, 2016


Today I also started my next shadow box.  This one has a picture as the center and the extension of the scene as the shadow box.


Today in class I was able to laser cut my third shadow box.  its a tree with a frame around it that fits to the shape of the tree.  This one will also be the deepest one that I have done.  I will get it assembled soon.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Today in class I also did a fish eye perspective drawing.  It has two squares over lapping and an L shaped cube.


Today in class I finished my one point my two point and my three point lighting.  Here is what they look like.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Today in class I finished my idea for a tree.  It is a form fitting outline that shrinks and it goes to the center.  The back layer with the tree will be a piece of printer paper laser cut on a piece of glass.  It should burn the edges of the tree into the glass which will keep it sturdy and provide a good backing.  It will also be good to let light through.  Since it won't be free standing I will make it so it hangs.